Word of the year - yep I am going there.

Okay my friends, I am doing it. I am setting a word for the year…tentatively. Why am I little hmmmhmmm about this? Well because my word of the year last year was ‘DE-ISOLATE’. Not a word no. But my goal was to be less isolated. I’m serious. No really.

I spent a lot of 2019 alone. I had left my office job and jumped into building my own business, I had stopped playing roller derby and I had moved out of London. All huge changes that left me, well, isolated.

So at the beginning on 2020, armed with the support of a CBT therapist and the help from some wonders in the industry, I made a conscience effort to connect more. Whether this was working in a coffee shop once a week, or going to the gym, or joining local wine and puzzle clubs - my goal was to engage, network and interact at least once a day with other human peoples. I even got myself a membership at a co-working space in London and made an effort to go in and join in every time my friends popped to the pub.

See why I am feeling a little burnt by my 2020 'word’? Come lockdown 1, I had changed this to ‘Maintain’. I wanted to maintain my healthy habits, my relationship with fitness and food, my relationships with people and my business momentum. This word served me much better, and helped me…well, maintain.

Some people love the idea of a word for the year, some people hate it. I am somewhere in the middle. I like to have a word that underpins my goals for the year, that reminds me a little of my why and what to focus on.

So moving forwards, I have a new word. This year it shall be NOURISH.

I will nourish my business

I will nourish my clients

I will nourish my body

I will nourish my mind

I will nourish my skills

I will nourish my creativity

I will nourish my relationships

And I will nourish my house plants. (A sigh of relief from the fern in the corner of my room that desperately needs to be re-potted - I hear you Ted!!)

Will you have a word that marries your goals for 2021 together? If your word just happens to be VISIBILITY, then let’s chat about telling your story and getting your gorgeous face visible in your industry.

Christine Havill